Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pediatric Surgeries...a.k.a. The Morning In Phrases

This morning, at the crack o' dawn...well, let's not get was still pitch black, the Husband and I drove the Bug and the Pea to the Hospital. The kiddos have been plagued with ear infections since they were itty-bitty and it was time for set 3 of bi-lateral ear tubes. The kids know the drill, and...bizarrely enough...look forward to the adventure. (A fact that makes my life easier, the kids are never anxious about the hospital, always in good spirits. I try to cleverly conceal any anxieties I feel - however, the nurse from set #2 of surgeries did revive me when I fainted after seeing the girls with IVs in recovery...)The Bug and the Pea came through today's surgeries with flying colors. The surgeon and nurses were amazing, and we were lifted up in prayer by friends and family.
If you had been a fly on the wall during prep/surgery/recovery you would have been privy to the following random comments:

"Oh look! This time the gowns are long enough to cover my hiney!" The Bug
"Did both children void this morning?" Nurse ("I'm sorry, void?" Me..."Uh, pee?" Nurse)
"I'm going to show you my impersonation of a 100 year old!" The Pea
"Quieter please! I'm grading papers!" The Pea
"Giraffey, Dasher and Beary will all need a hospital bracelet too..." The Bug
"Are those rabbits on your socks?" Nurse
"I'm going to prep some stew while we wait." The Bug
"These blue dot stickers are so cool! Can I keep them and the oxygen monitor thingy?" The Bug
"I get to keep the hairnet!" The Pea
"Let me zap you, are you on clearance today?" The Nurse
"Oh, this is my third time. Just hand me the mask...I know, I know...breathe into the balloon, I can put it on myself." The Bug
"I've got to call my class and talk with them right now on speakerphone!" The Pea
"Daddy! I got to meet 4 different grown-ups!" The Bug
"I wanna go first!" The Pea
"I'll have strawberries...oh, just crackers? That's OK too..." The Bug
"Uh, Dad...I don't have any shoes on and it's raining!" The Pea
"Mom, I had a blast! Can we do this again soon?" The Bug
"Praise Jesus we're home safe and sound!" Me

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