Dear Mommy,
I am 7 now, and 7 is a LOT older than 6. As birthdays go, today wasn’t bad. (It would have been MUCH more fun if you could have turned our backyard into an ice skating rink and I could have invited my whole class over and we could have skated and then you could have melted the ice and we could have splashed around in our swimsuits and I could have opened a zillion presents, but the family cook-out was OK too.) I could tell by the look on your face that you were so surprised when I jumped in bed with you at 6 in the morning. I knew you would want to be the very first ones to sing me Happy Birthday and give me hugs and kisses. And you PROMISED I could open one present before lunch and it was definitely before lunch time. It was fun to talk with folks on the phone, too. I thought it was really cool to see how long I could talk with Aunt Susan in England and I know she was glad that I handed the phone to my sister when I ran out of things to talk about. I got to open her gift and it was a brand new white lacy halter and white capris and some other beautiful clothes. Right then, I put on the white outfit.
You looked confused when I came into your bathroom a few minutes later, with sopping wet hair. But I wanted to do my OWN hair today, because I am 7 and 7 is a LOT more grown up than 6. When you went to the kitchen to start the coffee this morning, I pretended I was in a beauty shop and used every single thing in your second drawer. It took me a time or two to figure out how to get the deer bottle to work. Or moose? What is it you call that foamy white stuff that looks like Daddy’s shaving cream? I took a big scoopful of the waxy gunk and mixed it with a huge squirt of the special clear bottle with the label that says “For Curls.” I topped everything off with lots of hair spray. When you came back into the bathroom you gasped. I knew it was because I looked so fancy. “I look like a college kid!” I said, remember?
Daddy’s so good cooking on the grill. The hot dogs smelled yummy, I’m glad he made so many. Sorry I changed my mind and decided I didn’t want hot dogs after all. But I ate a few chips and helped my sister get the ketchup bottle opened and then poured a plate full of ketchup for her. (Mommy, you’re really good at washing clothes. It’s pretty much all you ever do. So I’m sure you can make my new white lace outfit look good again.)
Thank you for the new sundresses and shorts and shirts. They’ll be OK to wear when I play outside in the garden. You’re not good at picking out fancy clothes like Aunt Susan is, but I still love you. I have a great idea! Next year, stick with toys for presents. They are MUCH more fun to open and play with.
My favorite part of the day was blowing out the candles on my cupcake-cake. Remember when I picked up one of the cupcakes and smashed the icing all over my face until my eyebrows and eyelids and hair were covered? I learned that from a friend’s party last year. Pretty funny! I like to make people laugh. (Why didn’t you laugh?)
All in all, I had a pretty good day. But next year, I’ll be 8. And 8 is a LOT older than 7 and I have a few suggestions on how to make my 8th birthday even MORE fun. Let’s just say my plan involves a parachute and a plane and lots of friends. We’ll talk details later….
The Pea
Just precious.