Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stars, Shadow Creatures and Patio Pancakes

So we HAD to run some errands this evening, I figured it would be nice to have groceries in the house. Anyhooooo....by the time we arrived home, it was dark. The kids were mesmerized by the stars. The Pea ran inside and grabbed some quilts, the Bug dug out a flashlight. We met on the patio and snuggled up on the hammock. The Bug on my right, the Pea on my left. It was warm and toasty under the quilt. We stared at the stars and the Pea pointed out all of the "consternations" she could identify. Every now and then a blinking plane floated by and the Pea asked whether I figured the plane really hopped from star to star? "Mommy, God created ALL of those stars. They are in 'the heavens' just like my Bible verse in Genesis says!"
The squirmy Bug beside me jumped off the hammock, which in turn flung the Pea and me toward the patio rocks. We almost became patio pancakes! But I leveled the hammock before we went splat. The two of us were a bit catywampus under the quilt, but finally the hammock rocked to a rest. At this point, I noticed the Bug had propped the flashlight between the wrought iron of the patio chair. The light pointed toward the brick of the house, illuminating the perfect nighttime stage for Shadow Creatures. She experimented with a myriad of shadows. At one point, the Pea shouted, "Oh look! It's an eagle! Oh, no...I mean a car! Oh, wait...what is that?" Giggles, giggles, giggles. I snuggled closer and gazed upward at a million stars.
Just when I thought the moment couldn't get any better...the patio door opened. My husband was home, safe and sound after a long work day in another city. He grabbed up the Bug in one arm, and the Pea in the other, and carried them in the house. We tucked them in bed, under toasty quilts, to dream of the heavens and the earth and the 'star hopping' planes...

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