Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dusting Off Album Covers...

Grandma and Granddad set up a table and some chairs in a corner of their basement. Paints, brushes, and sketch pads are stacked on the table. The girls make a beeline for their "art gallery," especially when cousins are also visiting.
This morning-- the morning after my cousin's wedding -- we were all gathered in Grandma and Granddad's basement. My nieces dug through the "dress-up" box and donned Police Woman and Cowgirl costumes. The Bug and The Pea were painting masterpieces. Mom and I were dusting off album covers and laughing as the memories rushed back...
Olivia Newton John - Let's Get Physical - exercising, age 6, in my black ballet leotard beside Mom
Bye Bye Birdie - Kids! What's The Matter With Kids These Days? - Mom and I still pretty much have that song down pat!
Grease- We Go Together, Like Shu-bop-shu-wanna-wanna-hippety-boom-dee-boom! (Shout out to the DCHS Spring '89 production of Grease in which I portrayed Patty "Don't you just LOVE the first day of school!" Simcox.)
Annie - How many times did I sing "It's a Hard Knock Life For Us!" in front of my dresser, hairbrush microphone in hand?
We sorted through Beatles albums - a moment of silence for the greatness...enough said.
Next, we stumbled upon the creme de la creme of albums (considering current events...) Michael Jackson's Thriller.
I put the album on the turntable and propped the album cover on the storage shelf.
The girls turned my direction for a moment, and then went back to playing.
I cranked up the volume and pointed to The Pea in a Quiz Show MC fashion--Singer? I asked.
"Michael Jackson" (Good girl! Raising her right!)
"Beat It" she replied, and then went back to her painting.
"Come dance with me!" I spun around.
"Uh, what are you doing Aunt Leigh?"
"This here, this is called Break Dancing!" I shouted as I did my own rendition of The Wave. Oh, I was on FIRE!
"Beat It! Beat It! No one wants to BE Defeated!" I was crackin' and poppin'.
The Pea got up, dragged out the Karaoke microphone and handed it to me.
"It doesn't matter who's wrong or right! Just Beat It!"
My policewoman-clad niece started jotting something down on a pad of paper.
"You better watch out, Aunt Leigh. Next thing you know, you're gonna need to get a hip replaced. It happened to Barry Mannilow!"
The song ended, and my full attention turned to my niece.
"Here you go!" She chirped happily, handing me the piece of paper.
I looked policewoman niece had just written me out a ticket for -
Bad Break Dancing...

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