So we've been together for 24 hours a day, going on five days now. To their credit, the Bug and the Pea have been extremely well behaved despite growing cabin fever. Not too many cross words, not too many wrestling matches, it hasn't been a bad gig. And yet, please...sweet merciful heavens...let's see a little school action tomorrow. The kids are BEGGING to see their teachers and friends. ("Baby doll, BELIEVE me, if school was open we would be there, I promise!")
We rarely have an accumulation of snow this side of Kentucky. I heard on the news that January 2010 has seen more snow (8 inches) in our town than in the past 25 years. Or something like that...my point being, this whole "Snow Day" stuff is new territory for the kiddos.
To preserve the memory of The Great Blizzard of 2010 for my children's future children, I have compiled a list of our activities during this - concentrated - time together:
1. Created an entire farm/zoo/jungle/Noah's Arc of pipe cleaner creatures and reenacted many adventurous scenarios ("Mom, you can play with the skunk and the chipmunk, I'll have the lion and the elephant...")
2. Learned many in-depth details regarding several (hundred) Pokemon characters. ("Mom, this one is Legendary. Did you see the Energy? Would you like to see me draw it? Let's battle...")
3. Used yarn to sew together a teddy bear from a craft kit. Stuffed said bear until the Pea squealed, "Mom, he's gonna blow!!" After sewing the bear shut, we realized the stuffing was intended for several enclosed crafts and not solely the bear.
4. Discovered The Bug is quite a card shark. ("Mom, it's time to play 5 Card Stud...here are your chips....)
5. Previewed several cartoon movies that the girls created caption by caption and set to music on their DSi's. (WHAT? I can't even set my VCR...)
6. Memorized most of The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl (staring a young Taylor Lautner) as it happened to be the Netflix DVD in our mailbox last Thursday.
7. Played Barbie, Hollie Hobby, Strawberry Shortcake, Cabbage Patch, "Our Generation" doll party mixing together all of the teeny-tiny accessories which are still strewn from one end of our hallway to the other.
8. Pretended we were stalking prey and located every single snowy bird track/bunny track/next door neighbor's cat track within an acre's radius of our home.
9. Dug out the Husband's rickety old radio flyer sled and zoomed down the only space vaguely resembling a hill in our neighborhood.
10. However, my favorite part of our time together involved an inner tube the Husband purchased last week on a business trip. We tied a yellow rope around one end, had the kiddos plop down on their tummies and pulled them along the main thoroughfare. All you could see was white snow clinging to everything. The Bug and The Pea giggled and laughed and giggled some more. Until we swept the kids up in our arms, carried their frozen selves inside and set them down by the fire.
"Pokemon anyone?" asked the Bug.
(Please, please, please School Tomorrow!!!)
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