Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Hard Knock Life...or Goodbye Broadway

I'm almost finished with first grade. Warm weather's on the way, but it's not the blistering heat of Kentucky summer yet. The window is open -- well, both windows-- the one that overlooks the neighbor's carport and the one that opens out to the back yard. The breeze is flowing and I can smell flowers from next door..from that huge tree that hangs over the fence.
My little blue record player spins a well-worn ANNIE album. I can hear the needle as it scratches the grooves and I lift it up to place it on the right groove for "It's A Hard Knock Life." Hairbrush in hand, I am a DIVA. I am Annie -- not really Annie -- but a Broadway star portraying the spunky, red-headed orphan.
I was just relaying this memory to the Bug and the Pea. On warm afternoons such as today, it's easy to shoo them outside. Chalk drawings designated roads, stop signs, streets...and the girls were driving (biking) around their little town. The Bug tells me some local actors came to school presenting the musical, "ANNIE." The Pea tries to remember some songs, "Mommy they sing about getting kicked and there's a guy named Rooster!"
I burst out into song,"Maybe far away...or maybe real nearby..." Blank stares.
I continue, "Lucky me, Lucky me, look at what I'm drippin' with...liiiiiiittttle girls." Blank stares.
Perhaps this one? "You're never fully dressed without a smile!" I feel compelled to dance around the driveway, but I refrain myself.
"You're poor as a mouse, I'm richer than Midas!" Nothing.
Come on girls, I say, don't you recognize the Annie songs?
To which they reply, "Sure Mom. We were just waiting for you to stop singing so we could get back to our playing..."
And with that, all Tony award aspirations vanished into thin...chalk dust filled...air...

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