Saturday, September 5, 2009


Conundrum: Why must the cherubs wake up BEFORE the roosters even think about waking up on weekENDS ...when they struggle to leave for school at 7 a.m. each weekDAY morning?
Oh, they know NOT to come into Mommy and Daddy's room early. Saturday mornings are sacred "sleep in and stay in your jammies while you eat your pancakes" mornings. But perhaps that is opposite of what we should be enforcing?
Because they do NOT pounce on us early on Saturday, we are forced to mentally guess what is going on in the den. "What was that CRASH?" "Is that an elephant I hear jumping off the couch?" "Tell me that was NOT the entire gallon of milk spilling on the carpet!?"
Or even worse...complete quiet. "What are they UP TO out there?" "Why did they just peek in and CLOSE our bedroom door?" "Do I hear a kitchen chair being dragged across the floor to the pantry?"
I love that my kids have crazy wonderful imaginations. But is it necessary to concoct chemistry experiments using a combination of cooking oils, dish detergents, markers, paint and bubble bath?
I thought kids were supposed to sleep in on Saturday mornings and then snuggle up on the couch and watch Disney cartoons?
I love sleep. I love, love, love sleep. Mom tells me she used to have to wake me up from my nap just in time to tuck me in bed for the night. My point: I have always been this way.
The Bug and The Pea? Not so much.
I can count on one finger the times the two took a simultaneous nap when they were toddlers. (And this was only because they were exhausted with a stomach bug....and of course, I wasn't able to accomplish anything during said simultaneous nap, as I too was plagued with sickness....)
The good thing about this whole "NO resting at any point during the day" situation, is that we've fairly consistently maintained a 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. -ish bedtime. And nothing is more sweet than tip-toeing down the stairs after tucking in the little cherubs. Because beginning at 8:01...that is Mommy and Daddy time...time to discuss the events of the day, to grab a book and a cup of hot tea and

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