Saturday, September 26, 2009

In Which The Bug and The Pea Concoct Bubbles...

Even as I type, the Bug and the Pea are making the most of a rainy afternoon. They plundered the laundry room in search of Bubble Soap and found nothing. (My children are mesmerized with blowing entertain themselves, and of course our next door neighbor's cat.) By the time I had reconstructed the laundry room, the girls had gone out to the garage to concoct their own bubbles.
On rainy days, we park our cars horizontally across the edge of the driveway. This provides a steel barrier between our children and the street. The Bug and the Pea have full run of the sheltered garage space, and may enjoy the rain in our yard and driveway. It would never occur to them to wear shoes or jackets. (Rain is something to be experienced, and how can you do that without bare feet?)
The house door is ajar, so I can keep an "ear out" for them, if not an eye out. The Pea has already warned me, "Mom, it would just be better if you stayed inside until everything is cleaned up. I mean it, no peeking!" (Not particularly comforting to hear from a first grader...) Every few minutes the Bug runs inside, and up the stairs, smuggling something back out to the garage. The Pea, likewise, runs inside to grab a roll of paper towels and some markers. I can see that the hand soap from our powder room is missing, so I'm sure the primary ingredient is actually soap. Which, I suppose, is a good thing. (You'd never want to find a child pouring radiator fluid into a container or anything of that sort...) Every now and then I hear an excited comment, "Look! We can make colored bubbles!" Wow. Just now I heard the hose being turned on from the side of our house.
The Pea just peeked in the door, "No worries Mommy! The garage is gonna be clean as a whistle!"
For some reason, I'm guessing this will NOT be the case...

1 comment:

  1. I happened on your blog through your facebook post. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! You are an excellent writer. Can't wait for the next addition!! See you at practice.
