Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sugar Plum or...What's The Big Deal About Last Names Anyway?

Remember a kazillion years ago when each library book had a tiny manila envelope taped to the inside of the back cover? There was a vertical index card placed inside said envelope, and the librarian would use a dated ink stamp to mark when the library book was due back. Nowadays, we have all kinds of new fangled tech-y stuff.
For example, each book has it's very own bar code (how clever is that?) When a child wants to "check out" a book, I search my computer for the student's name (last name first...), use a bright red (way cool) laser to scan the book's bar code and beep-beep... the information is recorded electronically. In this Star Trek-esque manner, I'm able to track which of my 800 sweet babies have which of the 14,000+ books from the elementary school library. (For a gal who still uses her college jam-box and VCR...this high tech stuff is pretty sweet).
Sadly, my computer was "down" today. I'm not casting any blame, mind you. We just had a 3 day weekend, it was hard for me to wake up this morning, too. Hence Plan B: the good ol' fashioned method of writing everything down on paper. The students would come in, choose their books, and tell me their names. I would write down said names, said bar code numbers, and send said students on their way for a little bit of quiet reading...("Level Zero Boys and Girls! Yes, sweetie, I see you have a boo-boo on your knee. No, sweetie, we do not balance books on our heads. Let's read to ourselves. No, no, quietly...'read in your head', baby doll, not out loud. Level Zero!")
For the older students, this wasn't a big deal. But for the younger kiddos, the whole "check out process" was a calamity. Now, don't get me wrong... they were able to choose their books, and they were able to line up fairly quietly. It was the whole NAME thing that threw them off kilter. When my computer is awake and functioning, I can scroll through class rosters...if I can understand at least one syllable of what the child claims is his/her name, I'm in good shape.
Me: What's your name sweetie?
Kiddo: Choley Bee
Me: Who's your teacher, baby doll?
Kiddo: (Looks to classmate, bewildered...classmate confers...they decide on an answer) Foyd
Me: (Scrolling down class roster of Mrs. Ford's kindergarteners) Charlie?
Kiddo: No, Chooollleeeyyyy
Me: (Scroll to next guess...) Gary?
Kiddo: No, Choley
Me: Oh! Joey Bryant!
Kiddo: (smiles, takes book and scoots out of the way for the next child in line...)
Having NO computer to work with, this process became quite comical...and lengthy. Grasping at straws...yet fearing it would lead to disaster... I began to ask for Last Names. (Gasp.) One child into the process, I realized this was a mistake. And yet, such a pleasant mistake it was...
The sweet, sweet, baby doll next in line swore up and down her last name was Sugar Plum.
Me: Whats your name sweetie pie?
Kiddo: Emily
Me: Do you know your whole name?
Kiddo: Emily Sugar Plum
Me: Do you know your Last name, sweetie?
Kiddo: Sugar Plum
Me: (Admitting defeat, I scribbled down 'Emily'...smiling...hoping I'll be able to figure her last name out... at some point... through the process of elimination.)

I mean, seriously, how many 'Emilys' can there be out there?
Guess I'll find out tomorrow,
if the computer is back up and running...

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