Besides, we have Moose. Well, we don't actually HAVE Moose, our neighbors do. Every now and then he wanders over to check out the craziness that is our yard. The Bug and The Pea drop everything to entertain their guest. They don rollerskates and circle around the driveway blowing bubbles as they skate. Moose leaps up to pop each bubble and then skitters out of the way to avoid becoming rollerskate road kill.
This particular afternoon, The Bug and The Pea decided that Moose ought to try out for Flag Football. Well, not exactly try out, but go through the particular exercises and obstacle courses they endured last night during their own evaluations. The Bug set out 15 neon orange cones and The Pea tried to lead Moose through the course. Moose ran through at top speed and then climbed up into our purple plum tree for a respite.
The Pea scooted inside to grab a giant jar of pickles. She thought Moose might want a snack. Surprisingly enough, he wasn't interested. Thankfully for our little Siamese friend, the sky opened up and the rain started to fall. The Bug opened up the gate and Moose ran back to the solace of his home...
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