Monday, August 31, 2009

Star Struck: Part Deux

Little Bug and Pea, you are probably waiting for me to tell you how I passed the course with flying colors! Unfortunately, that was not the case. I kissed the Dean's List goodbye when your Daddy started helping me with business classes. (How could I concentrate? it was impossible to tear myself away from those syrupy eyes, from that grin, that laugh!) From that point forward, we were inseparable.
With Christmas approaching, I set up a tiny artificial tree in my dorm room. I wove a strand of colorful lights around the branches. When the room was dark, the tree glowed as if lit up by stars. I remember your Daddy knocking on the dorm room door one evening. The Christmas tree was shining and he took me in his arms and we danced in the silence. In that moment, I was certain - beyond a shadow of a doubt - we were destined to spend our lives together. Fate revealed in that ordinary the quiet of a dormitory, before a tiny plastic tree.
A few years later, your father and I spoke our wedding vows. The Twins were attendants that Valentine's Day weekend. Glittering strands of lights adorned the ceremony. It was as if tiny stars were woven through the greenery, the trees, even the bridge just outside the church. Peering back through the years, if it hadn't been for that particular Advisor, I would never have signed up for Astronomy. If it hadn't been for Astronomy, I never would have noticed the Twins. If it hadn't been for the Twins, I never would have met Drew. And to this very day, my heart skips a beat when he enters the room. So you see, the stars did lead me to your Daddy.
You two are growing up so fast. You'll always be my little Princesses, my Bug and my Pea. I pray you'll fall in love with your own Prince someday. I pray God will place a soul mate in your path. I can't wait to hear your stories of fate, destiny and stars aligning for the sake of true love. Perhaps your story will begin on a very normal day, in a very ordinary moment. An ordinary moment you'll fondly recall as the most magical moment of all...

I love you,

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