Have you ever walked in Wal-Mart with a one item grocery list(juiceboxes)and walked out of Wal-Mart with, say... a dinette set? As you may have guessed, the leftover "cat needlepoint project" yarn met it's untimely demise last evening as I was showered with all sorts of yarn jewelry. I did need milk and butter, so living up to my nickname, I headed to the store that would also sell yarn. (My sweet little friend RKR calls me the "Craft Mom.")
I'm immediately drawn like a magnet to the craft area. I stand in front of the supplies and literally find myself planning wedding receptions...Oh what a cute silk flower, that would look lovely on a place card setting, with a little bunch of candies, wrapped in a bit of tulle...and I have no NEED to plan any wedding activities. So I move over to the next aisle and decide that the girls' rooms would look oh so sweet with ivy stenciled across the walls and I begin to load up my cart. Seriously! Then I realize that I don't know how to stencil and the kids' rooms are fine the way they are, but oh, look at that sweet pattern of material! Wouldn't that make a comfy sundress for the Bug and the Pea? And after I've unrolled the fabric, I remember that I can't sew.
So I was in my own world of browsing the craft area, planning weddings, stenciling walls and sewing when I stumbled across some clearance craft items. I love clearance craft projects. (Let's face it, I love clearance everything!)I found three separate types of kits for creating pipe cleaner animals. (I'm not making this up!) Side note: can you imagine the training a Wal-Mart associate must endure? Pop Quiz: In which aisle would a customer locate a Do-It-Yourself Pipe cleaner Noah's Ark?
One kit contained items for creating jungle animals out of pipe cleaners, one for farm animals, and (cracking me up!)one for Noah's Ark animals - in which there were pairs...male and female animals. I mean SERIOUSLY who thinks up this stuff? What crazy entrepreneur decided pipe cleaner animals were necessary in life?
I am proud to say I remembered to purchase the milk and the butter and some multi-colored yarn so the girls can earn their keep. And a parting word to the wise: avoid the lure of the craft aisle. Resist the temptation to scope out the pipe cleaner art section.
If you fail to heed my words, you'll be most assuredly disappointed.
Namely because all the pipe cleaner animals are gone...I bought them out...
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