Saturday, August 22, 2009

Kazoo-ology 461: Graduate Course

It's fun to live in a college town, especially during August. There's a certain excitement in the air as thousands of new students descend upon the university. The Bug and The Pea are perpetually immersed in college life. Their sitters are kids from our church's university ministry, many of their friends' parents are on staff. Between holiday events, football & basketball games, choir concerts, school programs, and summer camps...the Bug and the Pea know their way around campus better than I do.
Today we ventured to the Alpha Delta Pi house to help members practice for the Formal Recruitment "Getting to Know You Party"...or what was called Rush Open House in the olden days! I told the girls we were playing a dress-up game where we pretended to be college kids ourselves. (This thrilled them to no end as they ADORE college students.)
They immediately concluded irrevocable career decisions MUST be, this instant! If we were going to pretend to be college students, we must decide what we were going to be! You know, when we grow up! And thus, the Bug and the Pea fell to narrowing down a field of study as they pinned back their hair and donned party dresses.
The Bug decided to pursue art...or teaching...chemistry...or that ol' standby: dentistry. The Pea was not so sure. Her first thought was theater and then possibly ice skating. She was more concerned about the amount of undergraduate credits necessary to achieve a degree. "Mommy, do I have to go to school as many years as my uncle?" (Who is the resident geneticist at a different university...) "No, baby doll, for many careers four years worth of college study does the trick!" She pondered this. "Well, Mommy, there are some things I already KNOW how to do, so I might not need to go so long." The Pea disappeared upstairs to her room and I continued getting ready.
A few minutes later, the Pea reappeared with a laundry basket full of toys. "See, Mommy? Look at all of these!" She proceeded to explain she had decided on a career in music. When I asked which instrument was her favorite, she hesitated. "I'm quite good on this thing you tap." (She held up a toy xylophone.) "And I can sure play the guitar." (She held up her cardboard ukulele from a previous Vacation Bible School program.) "Well, and the Bongo drums." (I have no idea where THAT came from...) "But what I think I'll choose is that instrument that you blow into!" I replied, "A flute? Clarinet?" "No, no," said the Pea. She reached deep into the laundry basket. "This!" she proclaimed, "A Kazoo!" Pleased with herself, she paraded out of the room.
Kazoo-ology...I don't think there are graduate studies for that?

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